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本站原创 佚名 【字体: 】 2015-1-13 14:41:58 点击:
    *探戈不是一个摆荡的舞。更要了解身体位置与地板之间的关系。所以,我们的重心必须更多地放在脚跟上,而不是更多地放在脚掌上。(Tango is not a swing dance.and it is better to know that body position in relation to the,our body weight must be more to the heel .instead to the front of the,more to the heel.) 
    *尽量感觉身体的重心是非常低的,重心感觉集中在胯部,然后感觉进入大腿,始终在胯部与上身的连接处保持住一个折痕。(The first of them would be the body weight.Try to feel in Tango that the body weight is much lower.So I would feel that my weight is very much in my hips and also into my thighs.Always trying to make a crease here in your hips.) 
    *要处在自然的位置上跳舞,不是膝盖弯的很大跳。由于探戈不是一个摆荡型的舞蹈,所以不同于其他的摩登舞种。探戈不用脚去做上升。当然,也不能机械地去跳探戈,其实跳探戈舞就像我们平时走路一样,要自然地释放你重力的能量,保持正常的高度来跳。而不需要采取很低的姿态来跳舞。如果低着跳,会给跳好探戈带来很大的困难,会感觉我们的大腿的肌肉非常粗大不好看。(It is not rising foot,and of course,we need different mechanical movement.So, many people say to me that,ask to me: "In Tango there is no rising foot, I have to site down?" No, of course, you have to keep the same as normal dance; it's just a walking dance.Of course,we have to prepare for movement, and we have to relax our weight,but you don't need to stay and keep down. I can see many couple as this down. Tango lowering dance. I think that this one is now piece of laugh,I think it's more sports and harder, because in dancing Tango my muscle is so big. So, I have to show, in Tango.) 
    *探戈是一种力量型的舞蹈,正因为它是非常有力量的舞蹈,我们不能把力量放在身体的前面。或舞伴彼此的内侧,因为这会彼此压迫对方的身体。我们必须始终将重心保持在脚跟上,尽量让力量在双方的周围,而不是在双方的中间。所以,让力量在双方的周围,并感受到快速的后背力量。(so,tango is power dancing .but because it is very power dancing.we can not put the power inside of the body or inside of the couple.because we stress each other`s body.and we must stay always to the heel.and try to make power around the couple.and not in the center of the,make power around and make fast in the back.) 
    *对于探戈舞,身体的重心要更加很好地与地板取得关联.(Tango dance,the body weight is more in relation to the floor.) 

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